The Six Stages of Discipleship


Introductory Notes

  1. The stage wherein a disciple is contacted by the Master through another chela on the physical plane. This is the stage of “Little Chelaship.”
  2. The stage wherein a higher disciple directs the chela from the egoic level. This is the stage called a “Chela in the Light.”
  3. The stage wherein, according to necessity, the Master contacts the chela through:
    a. A vivid dream experience.
    b. A symbolic teaching.
    c. A using of a thoughtform of the Master.
    d. A contact in meditation.
    e. A definite remembered interview in the Master’s Ashram.This is definitely the stage of Accepted Disciple.
  4. The stage wherein, having shown his wisdom in work, and his appreciation of the Master’s problem, the chela is taught how (in emergencies) to attract the Master’s attention and thus draw on his strength, knowledge and advice. This is an instantaneous happening, and practically takes none of the Master’s time. This stage has the peculiar name of a “Chela on the Thread” or sutratma.
  5. The stage wherein the chela is permitted to know the method whereby he may set up a vibration and call which will entitle him to an interview with the Master. This is only permitted to those trusted chelas who can be depended upon not to use the knowledge for anything except the need of the work; no personality reason or distress would prompt them to use it. At this stage the chela is called “one within the aura.”
  6. The stage wherein the chela can get his Master’s ear at any time. He is in close touch always. This is the stage wherein a chela is being definitely prepared for an immediate initiation or, having taken initiation, is being given specialized work to do in collaboration with his Master. The chela at this stage is described as “one within his Master’s heart.”There is a later stage of still closer identification, where there is a blending of the Lights, but there is no adequate paraphrase of the terms used to cover the name. The six stages above mentioned have been paraphrased for occidental understanding and must in no way be considered as translations of the ancient terms.

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