An Easter Message

An Easter Message

Easter Day 1945

On this day, we recall to our minds the fact of Resurrection – a universal and eternally recurring resurrection. I would like to talk with you anent the Christ, about His work as head of the Hierarchy, and about the rebuilding which humanity must undertake and which the Hierarchy is seeking to impulse at this time. A great period of reconstruction is planned. Here are the two words around which I wish to create my theme: Resurrection and Reconstruction. It will be a reconstruction implemented by Those Who know the meaning of resurrection, and it will involve a resurrection of humanity through the medium of its intelligentsia and men and women of goodwill. These two groups (the Hierarchy and Humanity) will need to be brought into a closer rapport, and this is entirely possible if the followers of the Christ realize their opportunity and shoulder their responsibilities. I would point out that when I use the phrase “followers of the Christ” I refer to all those who love their fellowmen, irrespective of creed or religion. Only upon this basic premise can a hopeful future be founded.

I do not care whether or not those who read my words accept the occult teaching of a spiritual and planetary Hierarchy over which the Christ presides, or whether they think in terms of Christ and His disciples. The essential recognition for which I plead is that this great group of spiritual Individuals, Who receive so general a recognition throughout the world and in all the great religions, should be regarded as active. The Christian view of the Christ is built upon that which He enacted for us two thousand years ago and through which He symbolically indicated to us the way which all aspirants must go. It portrays a picture of a waiting, quiescent Christ, living in some vague and far away heaven, “resting on His laurels” and practically doing nothing very much until such time as the sons of men of every race and creed acclaim Him as Savior; this they must do both as individuals and as representing the organized Christian Church. It is a picture of a listening, observing Christ, animated by pity and compassion, but Who has done all He could and now waits for us to do our part; it is also a picture of One Who waits to see what humanity, as a whole, will accept theologically. In the mind of the narrow, fundamentalist theologian, Christ is seen as presiding over a peaceful place called Heaven, into which the elect are welcomed; He is also seen as consigning all who remain aware of their own spiritual integrity and responsibility, who refuse to be gathered into organized churches or who go idly or wickedly through life, to some vague place of eternal punishment. To this vast multitude (probably the majority) His love and compassion apparently do not reach, and His heart remains untouched. It appears that He cares not whether they suffer eternally or attain complete annihilation.

This surely cannot be so. None of these pictures is accurate or adequate; they are not true in any sense of the word. This is being realized by the more intelligent of the world thinkers, and from the time of this Full Moon of June (Geminicelebrated this year the last week of May) a different message must be sent out by the churches of Christendom, if they are to meet the need of mankind and so aid in the work of reconstruction which lies ahead. They cannot stop this work, but the churches could be ignored if an inability to think with clarity is shown and if they are not freed from theological narrowness.

Resurrection is the keynote of nature; death is not. Death is only the antechamber of resurrection. Resurrection is the clue to the world of meaning, and is the fundamental theme of all the world religions – past, present and the future. Resurrection of the spirit in man, in all forms in all kingdoms, is the objective of the entire evolutionary process and this involves liberation from materialism and selfishness. In that resurrection, evolution and death are only preparatory and familiar stages. The note and message sounded by the Christ when last on Earth was resurrection, but so morbid has been mankind and so enveloped in glamor and illusion, that His death has been permitted to sidestep understanding; consequently, for centuries, the emphasis has been laid upon death, and only on Easter Day or in the cemeteries is the resurrection acclaimed. This must change. It is not helpful to a progressive understanding of the eternal verities to have this condition perpetuated. The Hierarchy is today dedicated to bringing about this change and thus altering the approach of mankind to the world of the unseen and to the spiritual realities.

Before, however, They could do anything, our present civilization had to die. During the coming century, the meaning of the resurrection will be unfolded and the new age will reveal its true significance. The first step will be the emergence of humanity from the death of its civilization, of its old ideas and modes of living, the relinquishing of its materialistic goals and its damning selfishness, and its moving into the clear light of the resurrection life. I am not here speaking in symbolical or mystical terms. I am dealing with facts – facts as real and as imminent as the coming Cycle of Conferences, and facts for which the past two hundred years have prepared humanity. This preparation has culminated in the restlessness of the twentieth century and has led to the horror of this world war, 1914-1945 through which we have been passing.

The true work of The Cycle of Conferences about which I wrote earlier will only be inaugurated at San Francisco. There the stage will be set for those processes which will usher in an era of relative tranquility; thus the door of the dark cave of materialism will be opened and the stone rolled from the door of the sepulcher which has too long entombed mankind. Then will follow those steps which will lead to a new and better life and which will indicate the expression of the spirit of resurrection. These facts (so near to manifestation) are physical facts; they will demonstrate as such if the disciples of the world recognize what it is that the Christ desires, and if the men and women of goodwill implement their response to His wishes.

Speaking symbolically, the first step after the advent of the spirit of the resurrection will be similar to that in the Biblical story. Mary, that woman of sorrow, of experience and of aspiration, stands (as ever in the symbolism of the world) as the symbol of materialism. Humanity must say with her, “They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid Him.” But – she said it to the Lord Himself, not recognizing Him and realizing only her own deep need and despair. So must it be again. Humanity – materialistic, suffering, facing the future with despair and agony, but still aspiring – must go forth from the cave of matter, seeking the Christ and at first not recognizing Him or the work that He is attempting to do. The churches – materialistic, hide-bound and submerged in their theological concepts, seeking political power or possessions, emphasizing stone buildings and cathedrals whilst neglecting “the Temple of God, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” – are occupied with the symbols and not with the reality. Now they must learn to recognize that the Lord is not with them and they too must go forth, as Mary did, and seek Him anew. If they will do so, they will surely find Him and again become His messengers.

The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension. The Pentecost will become truth. All men will come under the tide of inspiration from on high, and though they may speak with many tongues, they will all understand each other.

What I have to say to you, I intend to divide into two parts:
• The Work of the Christ Today
• The Coming Work of Reconstruction

These two convey the same basic ideas and thus complement each other. They proclaim the fact that all that truly concerns us is that which takes place upon Earth in line with the “blueprints” which guide the work of the Christ. (When I use the phrase “concerns us” I refer to man’s physical, emotional and mental reactions). They proclaim the fact that every state of consciousness is anchored within humanity and that all are factual here and now, did men but know it. They proclaim also the truth that Christ has never left us for a distant heaven of nebulous outlines, but that He is ever within our reach. They proclaim also the fact that His interest, His arduous labors on our behalf and the activities of His working disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom and the Lords of Compassion, are with us, here and now. They proclaim that we are not alone, but that the Forces of Light and of Enlightenment are constantly working; that the strength and the wisdom of Those who know are being mobilized to aid mankind, and that nothing can now arrest or prevent the contact between that intelligent aspiring center, called humanity, and the inner spiritual group, the Hierarchy.

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